Here's what I'm going to work on in the next few weeks:
O N E//
Organize, Box-up, and/or Donate Clothing.
This one makes me shutter. I know sorting through my clothing and the kids' clothing needs to be done, but it's really the last thing that I want to do. I know it would help with having more space in our closets and dressers to put laundry away. I still have a few maternity pieces in my dresser, which I don't need right now, so it's long overdue to box them up. Speaking of which, I'm 9 months postpartum today...I just can't believe my baby is 9 months old already! Oh and don't even get me started on the number of mix-matched socks in my sock drawer. Why are socks so hard to keep up with?
The baby's dresser could also use some serious reorganization. Like I'm talking there's still some 6 month clothing in his dresser and he's out growing his 12 month clothing. I just want to know how that happened!
A very ambitious, not fun goal for me. And I'm just gone to be realistic and say that this is one is going to take me some time!
T W O//
Fold and Put Away the Laundry.
I always start a load of laundry in the mornings, but I hate to admit it- that laundry doesn't always get folded. Half the time it ends up in our extra bedroom and then I have to fold a massive mountain of laundry at once, which is miserable. It would be much easier if I just washed, folded, and put away one load of laundry a day.
T H R E E//
Read More.
This has nothing to do with Spring cleaning, but I haven't been reading lately. It's really something I enjoy doing, so it's time to make it happen! I want to read at least one book before March is over.
F O U R//
Sleep More.
I'm lucky to have to two kids that sleep through the night, so there's no real good reason why I shouldn't be getting enough sleep. I've felt really exhausted lately, so I know I need to get more rest. Basically, I just need to prioritize getting in bed earlier...simple enough, right?
F I V E//
Work with the Magic Circle.
This goal is totally Pilates specific, but I want to bring the Magic Circle back into my matwork. Never heard of the Magic Circle? It basically is a great tool for helping your work deeper to engage the powerhouse and inner thighs for example. Below I'm using the Magic Circle between my calve muscles for Open Leg Rocker, which is a rolling exercise in the matwork. You can even use the Magic Circle for some arm work as well.
And If you need some ideas for some core work- check out my post earlier from this week here about The Series of 5 aka The Abdominal Series. I'm off to a Pilates Mat Workshop today and I'm really excited! Have a great weekend! And Spring, I'm ready for you!
For this post, I'm linking up with April from Smidge of This and Christina from Carolina Charm for 5 on Friday and Amanda from Meet at the Barre for another round of Friday Favorites.
I am so bad at putting clothes away. Washing? Fine. Drying? Fine. Putting them away? I would rather scrub a toilet.