Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thoughts on a Thursday- Flowers Blooming and Patience

With this extra warm southern winter weather we've been having lately, I've already seen some of the flowers and trees in our yard budding and blooming. The warmer weather and blooms certainly put a smile on my face, but I'm sure we'll have some cold weather again before it really is Spring and the blooms won't make it. 

So not to completely jump topics, yes it's random, but totally related (at least I think)...this got me thinking again about patience. I talked a little about how important is to be find patience with yourself in your Pilates practice (and any fitness practice for that matter) here

I felt like I was at the circus this morning. Seriously. Both kids have been wide open since before 7 am, which I know really isn't that early, but considering they both usually sleep at least until 8 or 8:30, before 7 is very early to me. So I was awoken startled to death with an energetic two year old jumping into bed with us. And I feel like I've been trying to catch up every sense haha... Check out my little ghost this morning below.

I usually like to start my mornings before everyone gets up...or at least before both kids are a load of laundry and dishes, blog, read, workout (or at least start on that list). Not so much this morning. So I feel a little off and out of routine. 

I was trying to scramble some eggs and get breakfast on the table. And both kids were melting down. Screaming and crying. The oldest went into our bedroom to play, shut the door, and couldn't get the door open. Cue more meltdowns. 

Of course all I wanted to say to my oldest was "stop crying and why would you shut the door to the room...we've talked about that before." Because truthfully I was tired and just wanted to hurry up and get breakfast made. But I was reminded of patience and this verse "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love" -Ephesians 4:2

And that's all my kids needed from me this morning. Patience and love. 

I had some big plans of running errands and other outings today, but I think I'm just going to put it off. The baby just went down for a nap and the oldest is quietly reading books. Things are calm for now. So I'm going to take some time to do somethings I enjoy- like a workout on my Reformer followed by folding some laundry. I joke about the laundry, but after a wild morning- folding laundry sounds peaceful. Refuel and energize myself, so I can be patient. And I just might have to go pick some of these gorgeous blooms.

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