Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Love Yourself, Love Your Skin

It probably goes without being said since I have reddish colored hair, but I have very sensitive skin. And by February my skin is usually as dry as can be. Thankfully, it has been pretty warm lately, so it's helped a lot, but the cold really does a number to my skin. Dry, itchy, red, flaky, and cracked...a terrible combination. But I've finally found a combination of skincare products that I regularly use to help with my sensitive skin. I try to use more "natural" products as possible.

Here's what I use on a daily basis to help combat my dry skin:

Standard Process USF Ointment
This ointment is amazing! It's all natural (the first three ingredients are: lard, lanolin, and linseed oil), so it's safe for everyone in the house to use. We all use it from time to time. I originally got it from my chiropractor to use on my oldest as a baby to help with the eczema on her face. It worked wonders on her skin, so I started using it as well. On way I use the ointment is by rubbing it on my heels then putting socks on after I take a shower at night. My heels get really dry and crack if I skip this routine. This is the same of Probiotics that I also take daily. I blogged about that here. I bought this from my chiropractor, so you won't find it in store, but you can purchase it through a wellness provider.

As I mentioned, it's super annoying, but my heels easily crack...even in the summer...So I scrub my feet in the shower everyday with the Mr. Pumice to removed dead, dried skin off of my heels. I usually buy this from Sally's Beauty Supply.

I also love Burt's Bees products! We also use their baby products. I love Burt's Bees products because they are natural and contain no parabens. I use this face wash twice a day. I love that it will also gently take my makeup off. It says for normal to combination skin, but I find it is perfect for my dry skin.

Frankincense and Lavender Essential Oils with Coconut Oil
I also use my Young Living Essential Oils to help with my dry skin. I make a mixture in the palm of my hand with a small scoop of coconut oil, one drop of Frankincense oil, and one drop of Lavender oil and rub it wherever my skin is dry. It works great as a mostiruzer and I like to rub it on my hands at night. 

So if you have dry skin like me, give these products a try!
Also, Happy Valentine's Day! I'm celebrating now by wearing my Lularoe Valentine's Day leggings as I finally finish painting my toenails. I did one foot yesterday, but didn't get time to finish before the kids got up from nap. I'm also planning on making some icing for these Valentine's Sugar Cookies we made last night. I haven't been cooking with Sugar lately, but I decided to bend a little bit for Valentine's Day. Besides- I'm sure these cookies are much better for you than any store-bought cookies and I used organic ingredients. Have fun celebrating!

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