I'm really excited to be starting my blogging adventure. I have read blogs for years, love sharing Pilates with others, and talking about overall wellness, but never had the courage to actually start blogging. The start of a new year seemed like just the right time to open up to the blogging world about the things I love most! I've loved reading April's from a Smidge of This Five on Friday posts, so I'm going to start linking up with her and joining the Five on Friday fun. So here it goes-
I've been using my Thieves essential oil so much lately! There are so many great uses for Thieves oil. It is definitely my go-to essential oil for fighting off germs, cleaning, and helping with sinus congestion. My whole family has been battling sinus congestion lately, so I've been running Thieves oil through my diffuser several times a day. I'm sure our nice southern winter is part of the problem, especially going from snow to a week later with temperatures in the 70's like today. I just placed a new order for Thieves Oil and I hope it arrives soon. We are about to run out over here!
Since I have shifted back into teaching Pilates again, I really could use some new workout least that's a good excuse to tell my husband right?! Anyway, I've been on the lookout for workout tanks that are more form fitting. A lot of the Pilates exercises, such as short spine massage on the reformer and the jack knife on the mat, require the legs go up overhead. To me nothing is more annoying when I'm working out than having to readjust my tank top! I stopped in Lululemon this week and found this perfect workout tank- the new Simply Bare Tank. It is super soft and has a really pretty high neckline.
I plan on sharing my wellness goals for 2017 more next week, but I'm hoping to start cutting out a lot of the processed food that we eat at home out of our diets. I purchased 100 Days of Real Food this week to help get me started. I'm looking forward to reading it and trying out some new recipes.
I've been loving adding the Pilates Magic Circle into my mat practice this week. It's a great tool to use to switch up your mat practice and of course is an added challenge to your workout. The Magic Circle helps me activate my inner thighs for exercises such as The 100. I especially love using the Magic Circle for a finishing stretch following Single Leg Circles. That's all for now! Have a great weekend!

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